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numéro 1 du soutien scolaire en ligne

Préparation écrit bac anglais - Linking Words

Soutien scolaire anglais en ligne au top avec les Linking Words, mots de liaison à utiliser dans l'épreuve écrite du bac.

Les Linking Words, qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Discover linking words for your written exam!

When you have to write in English you need some linking words to create a structured argumentation.

Quand tu dois écrire en anglais, tu as besoin de mots de liaison pour créer une argumentation structurée.

Here are some of these words. Try to match them with their synonyms and their French translation. You will simply have to reorganise column 1 and column 2. You will find out the answers on our blog in a few days and we will give you more ideas to improve your exam.

Voici certains de ces mots. Essaie de les lier avec leur synonyme et leur traduction en français.  Tu devras simplement réorganiser les colonne 1 et colonne 2. Tu découvriras les réponses sur le blog dans quelques jours et nous te donnerons plus d’idées pour améliorer ton écrit.

  1. Here are some sentences to give you some clues:
  2. He hasn’t got the Internet at home. Moreover, he is scared of modern technologies.
  3. First of all, they read articles on the political regime in their country. Secondly, they wrote their opinion in a letter. Finally, they sent their ideas to the Minister.
  4. Our train was late. As a result, we missed our interview with the company director.
  5. They say they don’t understand the language but in actual fact, they speak French very well, I discovered!
  6. My place of work will save electricity. Equally, the company will take recycling more seriously.
  7. He knows his project is very difficult. He will nevertheless try his very best.
  8. They are developing new projects whereas their colleagues prefer to work in the old fashion way.

Liste des principaux Linking Words anglais

Here are the answers for you. I hope you understand how to use the words in your written work.

Anglais Synonyme anglais Traduction française
A Moreover Furthermore De plus
B First of all To begin with Tout d’abord / pour commencer
C As a result Consequently En conséquence
D In actual fact Actually En réalité
E Equally Likewise De même
F Nevertheless However Cependant
G Whereas While Tandis que

A5a / B4f / C6g / D2b / E7e / F3c / G1d

And now for a bit of fun, here are some famous quotes where you can find these words. And I am sure that you will find a lot more.

Exemples d'emploi des Linking Words


None can destroy iron, but its own rust can! Likewise, none can destroy a person, but its own mindset can..." Ratan Tata


Nevertheless, the ultimate business of philosophy is to preserve the force of the most elemental word in which Dasein espresses itself, and to keep the common understanding from levelling them off to that unintelligibility which functions in turns as a source of pseudo-problems. Martin Heidegger


 One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say."


Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life." Cecil Rhodes


employer While au bac anglais écrit

 Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth."


 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Mahatma Gandhi


However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed it." Stephen Hawking

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