Giant1666 London model set alight 2It’s been 350 years since the Great Fire of London started

It was a four day blaze, which swept through Britain’s capital, destroying large parts of it. 
To mark the anniversary, a model replica of London has been burned, and new stamps have been designed at the beginning of September. But what exactly happened and how did it change the city’s history?

Voilà maintenant 350 ans que le Grand Incendie de Londres a commencé.

Un incendie de 4 jours a balayé la capital britannique détruisant de larges parties de la ville. Val, e-prof en ligne de soutien scolaire anglais, revient sur ce triste épisode dans ce cours niveau collège (quatrième troisième).

Maquette en bois de LondresLe feu avait alors détruit 80 % de la cité, qui s’était développée à l’intérieur du mur d’enceinte romain, consumant 13 200 maisons, essentiellement en bois, 87 églises et la cathédrale Saint-Paul. C’est depuis la petite boulangerie de Thomas Farrinor sur Pudding Lane que l’incendie était parti le 2 septembre 1666, peu après minuit, avant de se propager rapidement. Seules six personnes auraient péri, un bilan très faible ce qui suggère que les victimes pauvres n’avaient pas été comptabilisées puisque la grande majorité n’était probablement enregistrée officiellement.

Pour marquer l’anniversaire de cet événement, une maquette en bois a été brûlée et de nouvelles ont été créées début septembre.

Here Samuel Pepys tells you the story

The Great Fire of London

On Sunday 2 September 1666 a small spark from a baker’s oven in Pudding Lane began a fire that ravaged the streets of London for 3 nights.

great fire on london


Here you will see the Great Fire of London and meet Samuel Pepys, a witness of the catastrophe who described the event in his diary. You can read more about this:

Samuel PepysVisit this website to find out more information about Samuel Pepys, a key witness of the Great Fire of London.


He was born in 1633 and worked for the British Government. He saw two major historical events: the plague and the Great Fire of London. He died in 1703.

After you have read the information on Samuel Pepys, try to answer the quiz on line below the article.
Après avoir lu l’article essaie de répondre aux questions du quizz
One of the questions they ask you is:

When Pepys thought his own house was in danger, he dug a hole and buried a cheese! It was an expensive Parmesan cheese from Italy. He wanted to keep it safe!!!

If you would like to watch a video on the commemoration of the Great Fire of London in September 2016, simply click on this link. 350 years later, they built a 120m long model replica of London. It was a “magnificent wooden structure representing the skyline during the Great Fire of London” They built it on a barge on the Thames and set fire to it so that people could understand what happened on the 2nd September 1666.

And now, if you want to follow the development of London , with this video , you will not only see the Great Fire of London in 1666 but you will also understand the Blitz, which refers to the period when the Nazis bombed London during the second World War.

Also discover this post in french about the bombing raid on London with the blitz war

And now, here is a song for young a child which refers to the Great Fire of London. Its title is: 

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